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Thanks for being part of the LifeShip community. We're preserving the DNA of Earth on the Moon, with a vision to spread life to the stars. It's a community mission for Earth and humanity and you are part of it....
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All systems are “go” and progressing towards our rocket launch! LifeShip is a mission to make space accessible to everyone. Meet some of our LifeShip community members and fellow passengers as they share why they are excited to go to space. Get updates on our first two Moon Missions. And read how space science and DNA preservation help us better understand our human history and the natural world.

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It is an exciting time for space! The Inspiration4 mission just landed after three days in orbit. It was the first all-civilian mission to space. A Firefly Aerospace rocket exploded during a demo launch. Space exploration, while risky and difficult, is becoming accessible to more people than ever before. At LifeShip, we care about opening space to everyone and are making strides toward our first launch next year.
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