Launching soon! A Pyramid on the Moon

Launching soon! A Pyramid on the Moon

We’re going to the Moon! NASA has announced that Firefly Aerospace's Blue Ghost Mission 1 is set to launch in mid-January 2025. Aboard this historic mission is the LifeShip Pyramid, a small, golden monument designed to celebrate and preserve Earth’s life and story.

We are thrilled to place the first plant seed bank and first Pyramid on the Moon!

The mission will also deliver 10 NASA science and technology instruments as part of NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative, supporting the Artemis program. The Blue Ghost lander will launch from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Read more about the mission here: Firefly Aerospace's Blue Ghost lander launches to the moon in mid-January with these 10 NASA payloads.

LifeShip will host a virtual launch party. Public viewing areas are available to watch the launch for anyone in Cape Canaveral, Florida. We can't wait to watch with you.

DNA Processing in Lab Firefly Blue Ghost lunar lander ready for launch (Credit: Firefly)

A Monument to Life from Earth
The LifeShip Pyramid on the Moon is a monument, seed bank, cultural archive, time capsule, and messenger probe, carrying Earth’s essence beyond. This historic monument represents a giant leap forward in our mission to preserve and continue life from Earth. It is one small step towards spreading life and consciousness across the cosmos. Its timeless geometric form symbolizes humanity’s resilience and monumental achievements, while its placement on the Moon honors our boundless spirit of exploration and expansion. This is a mission in service to life from Earth.

LifeShip Pyramid with plant seeds and NanoFiche layers
 (Credit: LifeShip)

The Pyramid on the Moon is mounted onto Firefly's Blue Ghost lunar lander and ready for launch.

DNA Processing in Lab
LifeShip Pyramid on the Moon mounted on Blue Ghost (Credit: Firefly)

Packed Full of Life and Knowledge

Inside this miniature yet information-rich pyramid:

  • Plant Seeds from 100 species. A global seed bank of our most common plants that humans have relied upon for thousands of years.
  • The complete human genome, digitized into Cerabyte ceramic storage designed to last a billion years. We've eternalized the human blueprint.
  • The code for an AI Large Language Model (LLM) trained as humanity’s messenger probe.
  • Sacred waters and crystals from 33 sites worldwide.
  • Stories, wishes, and prayers from 25,000 people.
  • All of Wikipedia, encoded in DNA, in partnership with Arch Mission Foundation and printed in DNA by Catalog.
  • A message to future civilizations by the Interstellar Foundation.
  • Collections from MoonDAO, Copernic Space, United Planet, The Museum of Ideas, and more.
  • Blockchain wallets stored in molecular DNA with Iridia and Ocean Protocol.
  • Featured art collections stored on NanoFiche from artists Amy Karle, Richelle Ellis, Ed Kac, and gallery collections by MoonMars, LunARC, and Lunar Codex.
Our community and partners have assembled a beautiful monument to life from Earth.

 DNA Processing in LabArt on LifeShip by Amy Karle, Richelle Ellis, and the MoonMars Museum (left). Plant seeds and Adsum by Ed Kac preserved in Synthetic Amber Polymer inside the pyramid (right). (Credit: LifeShip)

The spacecraft will spend 25 days in Earth orbit before performing a translunar-injection burn to begin a four-day transit to orbit around the moon.

Blue Ghost will spend another 16 days in lunar orbit, phasing into a descent trajectory to land on the surface of the moon. The lander will touch down autonomously, using vision navigation software to guide its descent. (Reference:
There will be live video of the landing and you will get invited to a community watch party where we stream the thrilling landing. Blue Ghost and the LifeShip Pyramid on the Moon will remain there forever.

DNA Processing in LabFirefly Blue Ghost lunar lander ready for launch (Credit: Firefly)

 A Community Mission to Continue Life from Earth
This mission is only possible with the support of our incredible community. Together, we’re carrying Earth’s story to the stars and leaving a legacy for generations to come. We are excited to watch the launch with you and look forward to more missions together. It is a long path to the stars and we are only just getting started.

1 comment

  • Kristen Andersen-Merz

    Such an impressively awesome mission! 💫🙏🙌

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